Oxfam India works to address the root causes of poverty and inequality. Oxfam views poverty as a problem where people are deprived of their opportunities, choices, resources, essential services, knowledge and protection. Poverty is more than mere lack of income, health and education.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the guiding framework under which Oxfam India functions. It derives its mandate from the Constitutional Rights promised to every citizen of the country.
The persistence of poverty and inequality is a violation of basic human rights of the people. It also undermines the economic growth of a nation by wasting talents and human resources. It leads to a skewed society where power and decision-making remains in the hands of a few, leading to greater conflicts and undermining social cohesion.
Oxfam seeks to address this issue through a Rights Based Approach where people are seen as the bearers of the civil, political, social and economic rights. Simultaneously, both the state and non-state institutions, are seen as the duty bearers to guarantee and provide those rights to the people.
Oxfam’s aim for wider structural changes:
- Greater State and Institutional Accountability.
- Effective participation of people in decisions affecting their lives, through articulation of their demands and rights.
- Increased power and influence of the poor and the marginalized people over the distribution and use of public resources and assets.
- Increased social inclusion of the poor and the most marginalized.
- Changes in ideas and beliefs to inform equitable development strategies.
Oxfam’s work is framed by our commitment to five Rights-based aims:
- Right to a sustainable livelihood.
- Right to basic social services.
- Right to life and security.
- Right to be heard.
- Right to an identity.
In Jharkhand, NSVK’s intervention with Oxfam is going on in 5 Districts, 5 Blocks, 75 Villages. It is a profound believer of the “Jal Janjal aur Jamin ho logon ke adhin” Philosophy and hence, the NSVK team, is actively serving the people to gain their Forest Right Act in 75 selected villages of the 5 blocks and five districts of Jharkhand.
Oxfam is an international confederation of 17 organizations, working in approximately 94 countries worldwide to find solutions to Poverty. Oxfam India works primarily, through grassroots organizations to bring deep-rooted sustainable changes in people’s lives. It works for the socially excluded and the marginalized communities by mobilizing them to campaign for greater economic and social reforms.
The aim of the project is to Facilitate Individual and Community Rights under the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 and Strengthening Campaigns on Peoples’ Access and Control over Natural Resources. The duration of the project has been for 3 years which is from 1st April to March 2015.
Project Goal & Objectives:
- Develop and strengthen the community organization to demand their rights over forest land (individual and community rights) and resources.
- Increase networking with the existing FRA groups, networks to lobby and seek accountability from the government to implement the FRA, 2006.
- Raising awareness and seeking accountability from the government to implement the Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) and the provisions under the Twelfth Five Year Plan.
- Empowerment of women in relation to their right to natural resources.