
The target area is dominated by the tribal people, out of which 74.75% people live below the poverty line (source of data – Gumla district data sheet). The people of the area are mainly dependent on agriculture. Their per acre yield and the annual income is lower in comparison to other developed states. People are mainly busy with arrangements for their livelihood throughout the year.

Background of the Problem:

The targeted area is economically backward. Here, 67% of each community are dependent on agriculture. However, due to low irrigation coverage, the high runoff rate resulted in low input and low yield subsistence agriculture for the whole year. Thus, the villagers migrate to other places for their livelihood. Therefore, to stop migration, other income generating activities (especially on non-farm activities) are required in their villages for their sustainable livelihood. The above issues were found through data analysis (detailed survey of the area). Through a series of meetings with both the villagers and experts, it is noted that they are in need of external help for the betterment of their livelihood.

Implementation Plan:

  • The two activities, fishery and Lac processing unit, will be carried out by the groups (men and women) respectively. This activity will help the community to be united and empowered. These activities will help to motivate the people to enter into the marketing system of the area, which is monopolized by the general castes.
  • These activities and its importance will be discussed in the regular village level meetings. This will help the people to be aware of their development and will be encouraged to raise their voice in the government network level.

Desired Results:

1. Result:

  • 30% Reduction in the migration rate through income generating programs.
  • Livelihood upliftment and increase in the life standard of the people.
  • Decrease in the role of middlemen and a strong presence of the villagers in the marketing system.
  • The people of the area are outdated in the marketing system. The Lac processing unit will help entering the marketing system and the people will be benefited by getting the just price for their products. The activities identified, will be helpful for the community development.

2. Impact on Beneficiary/Family:

  • Increase in the annual income.
  • Increase in health status.
  • Importance of women’s role in the village level economy.
  • Availability of balanced nutrition.
  • Decrease in Food insecurity.

3. Impact on Community:

  • More economic, political and social awareness in the community level.
  • Strengthened unity.
  • Increase in community harmony.
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