Empowering Communities
A Journey of Empowerment
Naya Sawera Vikas Kendra (NSVK) has been working towards the empowerment of the poor and the marginalized since 1999. It has been effectively working to uplift the conditions of the denied and the deprived. NSVK has initiated several interventions to meet the changing socio-economic and political context and be relevant and working directly with the communities through the CBOs and their networks.
NSVK is a people based organization committed to the Gandhian approach of non-violent action for justice and people’s control over livelihood resources. The intervention is also referred as Collective Forms of Cooperation, one such initiative to bring about development by supporting grassroots level communities in a collective framework. The overall purpose was to facilitate processes against constant denial of human rights, dignity, participation, justice and space and opportunity for the poor and the marginalized. The understanding is based on the principles of democracy, democratic functioning and decentralization and transfer of power, functions and decision making (for self-reliance).
NSVK has worked on numerous programmes at the State, district, block and Panchayat level, emphasizing the issues of land and livelihood rights of the poor and the marginalized. It has been addressing the problems and issues expressed by the deprived communities in rural areas. The primary focus was on rights and development of the Adivasis, Dalits and Women. The development of Manch, (Van Adhikar & Ajivika Shuraksha Samity) and the main policy behind this was to organize rural communities through a campaign on right to land and livelihood based awareness building, advocacy and community mobilization. It has been raising other issues of social significance, such as empowerment of women and livelihood security for the poor through various opportunities at State, National and International levels. NSVK is highly knowledgeable in capacity and perspective, building institutional strengthening, network and alliance building, research and documentation, through livelihood security and income generation programmes.
Thus, it promoted a spirit of co-operation and coordination. It brought about collective understanding and action on issues affecting the life of the poor and the marginalized. The resources have to reach out to the most poor and the marginalized, who are powerless, downtrodden, unprivileged and deprived of their rights and exploited. It sincerely recognizes a just, participatory and sustainable society as the basis of development through building and strengthening organizations of the poor and marginalized. The concept has a very specific focus in dealing with specific issues concerning the Tribals, Dalits, Women and the Marginalized. Apart from supporting individual field interventions around commonly identified issues, the cutting edge of the initiative is the emergence of Gram Ekai, ASK (Ajivika Sahayta Kendra) and SESK (Sahayta Evan Sansadhan Kendra) at the grassroots.
NSVK, with the support of PACs, has strengthened CBOs, SHGs, Mahila Mandals, PRIs and federation to encourage people-centered and people owned process of development. It developed leadership by promoting their institutions, on various issues. It provides training and strengthens them on conservation of resources and its restoration through their cultural and traditional knowledge. The process has facilitated them to raise their voices in a more organized manner. It initiated actions at the grassroots level, having rigorous interaction with the local communities and groups by raising the issues at the apex level. It was guided by the democracy and collective decision making process through effective planning, evaluation and ensure discussion for continuous experience of sharing.
Vision and Mission
To organize, empower and initiate sustainable development processes with the underprivileged and the marginalized communities so that, they can access and control essential livelihood resources.
To establish an egalitarian and non-exploitative “Sarvodaya” social order that will promote and uphold justice and economic self-reliance.
- Alliance building with like-minded groups and promote networks for social transformation.
- Public policy analysis, discourse and dissemination.
- Capacity building and Institutional building for sustainable livelihood.
- Resource material collection, compilation and dissemination for awareness generation.
- Developing potential base for human resources.
- Promotion and strengthening of local institutions and youth groups.
- Promote development models for encouraging sustainable livelihood and forest rights.
Sunil Kumar Tiwary
DesignatioOffice Assistant cum CashiernSunil Kumar Tiwary has done Graduation from Ranchi University Ranchi with B.Com (Accounts) associated with NSVK for last 14 years in office management and cash related matter.
Mrs. Chandrika Devi
Field coordinatorMrs. Chandrika Devi associated with NSVK for last 7 year as field coordinator. Her major role and responsibility are to address the gender issuer and formation and capacity building of women group for active participation in gram sabha, women collective farming and mother&child health.
Shreyasi Runda
Project CoordinatorShreyasi Runda working with NSVK from September 2018 as a Project Coordinator in APP Project . She is maintaining and monitoring project plans, project schedules, design and executes project work plans to met the goals and objective of the project, sharing of communication check list with the staff and follow ups for ensuring its implementation in the field activities etc.